By: Richard Maw
Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 09/03/2018
Label: Hells Headbangers Records

Gritty and uncompromising, Whipstriker truly are “Soldiers of Sodom” and will cast their “Warspell” on you if you get a hold of this feral beast of an album.
“Merciless Artillery” CD//DD track listing:
1). Merciless Artillery2). Rape of Freedom
3). Calm after Destruction
4). Mantas ’Black Mass
5). Solider of Sodom
6). Warspell
7). Enemies Leather
8). Bestial Hurricane
The Review:
Brazil's Whipstrikerare back- again- in their prolific career since 2008 they have amassed no less than four albums and countless split singles and so on. If you haven't heard the band, I can sum things up for you: Venom. This band are the hellish spawn of Mantas, Abaddon and Cronos- ably assisted by Bathory, Hellhammer and early Celtic Frost.
That tells you exactly what you are getting. This is a dark and rough listen- echoing Venom'slegendary debut and Motorhead's attitude perfectly. The title track kicks things off in gritty style- have a listen and you will know instantly if this is for you or not. Over the course of eight tracks, you get Venom, Sodom, Motorhead, Frost, Hellhammer, Bathoryand so on all wrapped into an appealingly raw production. The band has gone for vibe and attitude, not sound replacements and perfection. This really is a warts and all recording- there are some imperfections here and there for sure! That is of absolutely of no issue to me, though. There is also a fair amount of very smooth playing and surprisingly melodic riffing. This music is supposed to be rough and ready and Whipstriker have delivered their own vision.
If you are after anything in the style of the bands mentioned above, this album is a must. Gritty and uncompromising, Whipstriker truly are “Soldiers of Sodom”and will cast their “Warspell” on you if you get a hold of this feral beast of an album.
“Merciless Artillery” is available here
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