Monday 16 October 2017

ALBUM REVIEW: Helpless - "Debt"

By: Charlie Butler

Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 08/09/2017
Label: Holy Roar Records

Every track on “Debt” is imbued with a captivating air of spontaneity and weirdness, delivered with a terrifying level of intensity.

“Debt’ CD//DD//LP track listing:

1) Worth
2) Out Of Commission
3) Grief Vultures
4) Moral Bankruptcy
5) Sertraline
6) Weightless Prayers
7) Ceremony Of Innocence
8) Sinkhole
9) Manufactured Consent
10) Denied Sale

The Review:

Plymouth trio Helpless look set to let a fire under the UKunderground with blistering debut LP “Debt”.

A number of familiar influences on Helpless’ sound can be detected throughout “Debt”. The furious grind-infused crust of Trap Them, the metallic hardcore experimentation of Converge and the mind-melting math-metal constructions of Botch and Coalesce all make their presence felt. While there are a few current bands mining similar seams for inspiration (excellent Holy Roarlabel mates Employed To Serve for example), the way Helpless execute this combination of elements is something else. Every track on “Debt” is imbued with a captivating air of spontaneity and weirdness, delivered with a terrifying level of intensity.

The majority of the tracks here barely make it past the two minute mark but each one is packed with intricate detail. Furious ragers like “Worth” and “Grief Vultures” sit alongside mini-epics like “Weightless Prayers” where the band manage to navigate slower paced territory without letting up on heaviness.

After a nine tracks of breakneck, relentless attack, Helpless take a slight breath to allow album closer “Denied Sale” to unfurl over five minutes. It begins with their spikiest guitar line scraping over the ominous rumble of the rhythm section and builds to a crushing finale where the band unleash an arsenal of lumbering riffs.

Debt” is an incredible statement from Helpless. There are few bands out there who can achieve such a perfect balance of spite and creativity.

“Debt” is available here

Band info: bandcamp || facebook

