Monday 26 June 2017

TRACK PREMIERE: Sludgecore trio EARTHGRAVE debut a new sermon "Altars of Desolation"

Sludgecore trio EARTHGRAVE summon a crawling miasma of growling guitars, hoarse screams and driving drums on their debut album 'The Verge Of Human Abyss' fit to make Eyehategod proud.

The band move between grooving mid-tempo doom-tinged sludge into chugging hardcore breakdown territory with ease and competence, with the occasional punk outburst and d-beat bringing the tempo back up, almost in places touching on old school death metal akin to “Realm Of Chaos”era Bolt Thrower.

Art on this release mirrors the lyrics and vocals; bleak, monochrome imagery collaged together with ragged edges hinting at themes of suffering and the worst elements of human nature.

'The Verge Of Human Abyss' drops on the 7th of July via WOOAAARGHon CD/MC and digital download. The limited Cassette Edition is a co-release with Black Omega Recordings.  Today ahead of the album’s official release we’re debuting two blistering  tracks which you can check out below.  So if you’re fans of Seven Sisters of Sleep, Crowbar, Integrity, Eyehategod and Bongzilla then this is a band not to be missed.  You can order the record here

Band info: facebook || bandcamp

