Friday 6 January 2017

AL BUM REVIEW: Revel in Flesh - "Emissary of all Plagues"

By: Richard Maw

Album Review:Full Length
Date Released: 02/12/2016
Label: Cyclone Empire

This record is a simple proposition: death metal, of the old school Euro/Scandy variety- done well with vicious conviction and one that demands attention from even casual fans of the genre.

“Emissary of all Plagues” CD//DD track listing:

1). Emissary of all Plague
2). Casket Ride
3). Fortress of Gloom
4). Servants of the Deathkult
5). Torture Throne
6). The Dead Lives On
7). Lord of Flesh
8). Sepulchral Passage
9). Dead to this World
10). Doctor, Doctor (UFO cover)

The Review:

Revel in Fleshmay sound like a throwback to the early 90's with the Dismember and Entombed(you could tell from the name, right?) buzz saw sound and aggression- but their melodic riffing hints at later genre examples and if you know that they have actually only been around for half a decade, well, it makes even more sense.

Revel in Fleshhave quite the work rate and this full length beast follows up their last album from 2014 and several splits since then. This record is a simple proposition: death metal, of the old school Euro/Scandy variety- done well with vicious conviction. There are hooks here; the song and phrase “Fortress of Gloom” will enter your consciousness after only one listen and there is no mindless blasting. This is a dark record, but not without catchy elements. The opening title track sets the tone perfectly and there are nods to prior work on “Servants of the Deathkult”.

The band even throw in a cover of “Doctor Doctor” (yes, by UFO!) to close out the album- this is a lot better than you may think it would be, but still with a  little too much novelty factor for my liking. The heads down thrashing and blasting of “The Torture Throne” is where the band's strengths really lie and when Revel in Flesh really lay things down, they do so with aplomb. “The Dead Lives” on is another prime example of the band's furious sound.

The band keep things tight and focused, even on (relatively) longer songs such as “Lord of Flesh”- which is a doom laden delight worthy of Asphyx. Through faster material such as “Sepulchral Passage” through the latter stages of the record, the band don't ease off the gas. This isn't a front loaded record- it remains strong throughout. For my money, these guys along with Entrails are the best out there at this kind of death metal these days. Cyclone Empire have an ear and nose for this type of thing- the label has delivered quality albums again and again (when is the next Icons of Brutality album coming out?!) and this is another addition to their sterling back catalogue.

The album's closing original material is “Dead to This World” which utilises a longer playing time to good effect and allows the band to run through the gears while creating a deathly atmosphere. This is a very fine death metal record, quite simply, and one that demands attention from even casual fans of the genre. All hail Revel in Flesh- long may they reign.

Emissary of all Plagues” is available here

Band info: facebook

FFO: Entrails, Dismember, Entombed, Puteraeon

