Tuesday 5 September 2017

VIDEO PREMIERE: Progressive sludge trio Upcdownc usher forth droning sludge goodness on "Adrift"


Progressive, sludge, horror themed synth outfit Upcdownc who are set to release their new album ‘I, Awake’ on 22nd September have team up with THE SLUDGELORD to share a crushing new track “Adrift” which is under 2mins of drone building up into solid sludge goodness. 
Horror is one theme that is constant throughout their forthcoming album ‘I, Awake’ and the band are heavily influenced by composers such as Fabio Frizzi, John Carpenter and they also take cue from the Shogun Assassin soundtrack, which led to the use of synthesizers on the album.  
Guitarist Chris Garth adds, ‘we liked the idea of lots of small sections put together in bigger passages so that they form one whole entire piece which doesn't necessarily have to be played in the same order when playing live. We had also started to use loops but wanted to keep things simple so used them more for textures rather than melodies, as we always like to record live with minimal overdubs.’ 
Since forming in 2000 Upcdownchave gone on to the share the stage with the likes of Bossk, 65daysofstatic and Oneidaas well appearing at festivals including ArcTanGent and Belgium’s Dunk! Festival. Upcdownchave also announced a series of shows to support the release of ‘I, Awake’. You can check out the amazing track “Adrift” below

Live Rituals:

15th Sept - Birthdays, London
16th Sept - Sticky Mikes, Brighton
20th Oct - Hijack, Bolougne Sur Mer
22nd Oct - Music City, Antwerp

Band info: bandcamp || facebook

