Wednesday, 23 August 2017

6 NEW BANDS: Nikos Mixas' 666 Pack Review (August 2017)

 Artwork: Joshua M. Wilkinson

It’s the August edition of THE SLUDGELORD’S 666 Pack Review!  For some of you, school is back in session so you need your metal reviews short and to the point.  Well, it’s your lucky day!  If you’re new to this, each and every month we handpick 6review submissions and critique them by only using 6 words, then we rate them on a scale from 1to 666!  Check out our awesome rating scale below: 

1 – What the hell did I just listen to???
2– This is the musical equivalent of smelling limburger cheese. 
3– There are no participation trophies here…just shaming…
4 – Remember when Pantera was a glam band?  You see, there’s hope for you yet! 
5– With a nuclear apocalypse looming, your music should be the soundtrack. 
666THE SLUDGELORD bows down…and you are worthy of the most sludge laden praise…

The 666Pack Review is meant to offer humorous criticism and is not meant to hurt feelings, however, there are no safe spaces here.  THE SLUDGELORD is a picky listener…and doesn’t care what you think of his opinions….

Konvent - “Demo”(Copenhagen, Denmark)    Rating: 5                                                        

Distortion, upon more distortion.  Medusa sings.    

High Priestess- “Demo” (Los Angeles, USA)   Rating: 4

This demo rivals most current releases.  

Hallucinatorium- “Slum Wizard” (Canberra, Australia)   Rating: 2

Cursed by the slum glum wizard… 

Between The Lines- “Between The Lines” (Galway, Ireland)   Rating: 4

Tasty as a Guinness on draught.  

Eye Sea Black- “Stigma” (Udine, Italy)   Rating:  5

Eye’d like to Sea them live!

Menin- “Lord of Pain” (Portland, USA)   Rating: 3

Great cover artwork, average sludge/doom.

