Wednesday 7 June 2017

FOR THOSE ABOOT TO ROCK: Riffs of Canada with Jean Mustard (British Columbia)

By: Mark Tremblay

Album Type: EP
Date Released: 29/04/2017
Label: Independent

“Sonic Jam” DD track listing:

1). Stinkbomb
2). Under The Oceans Maybe I Know
3). A Version  Of Black Pigeon
4). Yo Dude
5). There Was A Rhino
6). B
7). Afro Lavine.....to Be Continued

The Review:

Jean Mustardis the sonic equivalent of an anxiety attack and “Sonic Jam” sounds like the band took everything they listen to, and tossed into a blender to see what came out. If you enjoy any combination of sludge metal, noise rock, indie rock, and jazz, this record is right up your alley.

The EP opens with a dizzying track “Under The Oceans Maybe I Know”; picture The Dillinger Escape Plan with beat poetry vocals. Traditional song structures are thrown completely out the window with this EP, as each of these songs have moments pasted together that make no sense, and yet they work. The drumming plays a myriad of jazz beats. These beats pair perfectly with the cacophony of sound, and helps transition all of the hairpin tempo changes on “Sonic Jam”.

 “Yo Dude” acts as a palette cleanser for the listener before being pummelled into the ground with the albums heaviest of riffs. The EP ends with its heaviest track, “Afro Lavine...To be Continued”, which consists of one extremely heavy slow riff. Overall, the EP is a breath of fresh air into the sludge metal genre. If you enjoy bands like Mare and Faith no More,this is for you.

“Sonic Jam”is available here

Band info: bandcamp || facebook

