Friday 2 June 2017

ALBUM REVIEW: Bereft - "Lands"

By: Charlie Butler

Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 31/03/2017
Label: Prosthetic Records

There are other bands creating doom in a similar style to Bereft but few do it on such a grand scale. The Wisconsin quartet’s latest release comprises  of four epic journeys into the abyss with a massive production that matches their towering ambition.  “Lands” is a fine album that is sure to win Bereft a legion of new followers.

“Lands” CD//DD//LP track listing:

1). We Wept
2). The Ritual
3). In Filth
4). Waning Light

The Review:

Bereft look set to make a big impact on the world of heaviness with new LP “Lands”. The Wisconsin quartet’s latest release comprises of four epic journeys into the abyss with a massive production that matches their towering ambition.

We Wept” begins the album in impressive fashion. This thirteen minute monster establishes the bands captivating brand of earth-shaking expansive doom shot through with haunting melody. The track brings to mind a mix of Yob and Pallbearer making a foray into the world of post-metal.

Throughout “LandsBereft unleash icy blasts of black metal to further heighten the foreboding atmosphere. These urges are given full reign on “The Ritual” which demonstrates that the band are just as effective delivering raging fury as dispensing slabs of treacly riffage.

“Waning Light”brings proceedings to a close with a demonstration of the full range of Bereft’s powers. It begins with the band at their quietest, creating a sombre mood with layers of reverb and delay before their full distorted weight rears its head once more. The noise breaks down to a lone guitar and inventive, unpredictable drums that create a sombre mood that usher in the final cathartic climax.

There are other bands creating doom in a similar style to Bereftbut few do it on such a grand scale. “Lands” is a fine album that is sure to win Bereft a legion of new followers.

“Lands”is available here

Band info: bandcamp || facebook

