Thursday 29 June 2017

11 IS ONE LOUDER: LLNN debut Live Studio Session of "Eye of the Covenant" and choose their Top 5 album picks

Self styled post apocalyptic hardcore maniacs LLNN seem to be entwined with TERR0R, such is the regularity of their appearances here at headquarters, indeed their bludgeoning and mesmerising mix of sludge, hardcore and sci-fi Bladerunner driven madness is something to behold, and for that reason, when the opportunity presents itself to promote this band, then we’re absolutely gonna be on board. 

Following up their album “Loss” which was released last year via Pelagic Records was never going to be an easy task and yet, less than a year later, they came roaring back with new material “Marks” which formed their part of an split album with Wovoka released on June 16thagain via Pelagic Records.  Much like on “Loss”, the wavering drone synths that are effortlessly merged with a raw hardcore-driven darkness define the subtle idiosycratic nuances of LLNN's very unsubtle, painfully overwhelming sound. 

"Eye of the Covenant" taken from "Marks / Traces" Split was recorded by Marius Costache at Studio148 as part of Live Studio Session and today we’re giving you the opportunity to stream it in full and if that wasn’t enough we have invited vocalist/ guitarist Christian Bonnesen to choose five records that are on heavy rotation on his playlist including one absolute pivotal record.  All of which you can check out below.  

5: Abandon – “In Reality We Suffer”

I don’t know how to describe this record other than by the following sentence: Complete and utter despair. Devastating despair! This is a really overlooked record and it’s sad, because Abandon were one of the best at cultivating an absolute hopeless vibe in their music.

Check out: “Piles of Pigs”.

4: Bohren & Der Club of Gore– “Black Earth”

Evil sounding stuff doesn’t have to be metal. 

Check Out: “Maximum Black”.

3: Shora/Merzbow - “Switching Rhethorics.

The Shora side of this split pretty much started the Copenhagen hardcore scene.

Check Out: “Discussing Watercolor Techniques”.

2: Elliott – “Song In The Air”
Beautiful record that’s dreamy, huge sounding and somewhat a forgotten

Check out: “Bleed In Breathe Out”.

1: Breach –“Kollapse”

I just fucking love this record. The way Breach build their melodies has always been inspiring to me, they always seem to do what I least expect. The guitar playing and the way they space their parts out and give each other room is genius to me.

Check out: “Mr. Marshall!"

Band info: facebook || bandcamp

