Saturday 13 May 2017

TOP 16 ALBUMS: The Sour 16 for April 2017

Telekinetic Yeti

Yes, it is that time again O ye lover of riffs, “The Sour 16 returneth.  You know the drill by now, each month, you the reader are unwittingly compiling a list of the top 16 records of the month, covering all genres of metal.  Is it not a chart, in which reviewers or contributors extol their opinion about their favourite music.  To put it simply, The Sour 16” are the records that have been trending the most at The Sludgelord Headquarters.

The results are compiled based on page views alone and calibrated into the list below.  All reviews can be viewed by clicking the artwork and we have included album streams wherever possible. (Total views since their publication are highlighted in red)

16). Necrowretch – “Satanic Slavery” (438)

For something so embedded with crust, rust and cadaverous unmentionables, it is an incredibly refreshing, riff-dense monster of an album, almost ebullient in its putrid malevolence.

15). Witchapter – “Spellcaster” (521)


14). Hawkbill – “Self Titled” (578)
Track by track these rusted broke-down tractor boys weave a landscape that is reminiscent of the groovier parts of Grief or perhaps an even more slowed down and swampy take on some Weedeater.   With a natural emphasis on groove and natural timing and feel, this album moves like a sloth with a spliff in its mouth.
13). War Brides – “Regrets” (585)

Chicago bruisers War Brides raid the vaults of the noise rock greats to create a compellingly ugly debut LP in the shape of “Regrets”. It is a quick and dirty shot of addictive mayhem, channelling the nastiness of its influences to fine effect and offers hints of evolution into a stranger beast over the course of future releases.

12). Cowardice – “With Condolence (599)
the sound is relatable and as tender as a fingernail wrenched from its bed. It drifts between aching sadness and violent bouts of self-disgust. This stratum of emotional, chemical and physical self-destruction is the calling card of genuine, heartfelt sludge, and “Without Condolence” is definite rap on the door.

11). Ohhms – “The Fool” (600) 


10). Kenoma – “The Tides will Prevail” (611)

http://thesludgelord.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/album-review-kenoma-tides-will-prevail.htmlKenoma are firmly focused on the metal side of the post-metal equation for the most part of “The Tides Will Prevail” and manage to create huge, enveloping sound constructions reliant on intricate interlocking guitar parts rather than a phalanx of effects pedals.  The albums extended gestation period has produced an absorbing set of finely honed post-metal behemoths.

9). Aathma – “Avesta” (634) 

Wonderfully straddling the line between a live and studio sound, thanks to the efforts of producer Carlos Santos and the unfailingly excellent mastering work of the ever-prolific James Plotkin, ‘Avesta’ sounds absolutely mighty.  A must-listen for fans of Yob, Baroness, Mastodon and anyone interested in ambitious stoner-sludge metal.

8). Earth Witch – “Out of the Shadow” (661) 

Every track is a winner. Every riff is massive. The production is raw and warm. Everything sounds big. Everything sounds heavy. This is surely exactly the record that Earth Witch set out to create and I applaud them highly for it. Fantastic and heavy stuff and one of the best albums I have heard so far this year.

7). Moloch/Disrotted& Cloud Rat/Moloch - “Splits” (675)


6). Mage – “Green” (702)

No fuss, no messing about, just good quality stoner/doom of the finest order. Check this album out and check the band out live: I guarantee that you won't be disappointed.

5). Mastodon – “Emperor of the Sand” (794)

this is the best album in a long while from the band, it is accessible without straying that far from the band's template and still finds the band in a modern class of one. Time will reveal just how good this record is, but my feeling is that this one will stand the test of time.”

4). The Obsessed – “Sacred” (959)

Quite simply, I can't find anything on this album I don't like. The best comeback of the year, without a doubt. This record will be turning up in many year end lists, without a doubt. It could even be the best album by The Obsessed, but only time will tell on that one. I can't recommend this highly enough.

3). Artificial Brain – “Infrared Horizon” (1272)

The artwork depicting a mournful android grieving the loss of another android is absolutely devastating as a visual, and that same feeling permeates the whole musical experience.

2). Spidergawd – “IV” (1462)

“IV” is eight tracks that follow the verse-chorus-verse-chorus formula and does so with licks, vocals, lyrics and melodies that are sharp, fast, and poignant. As far as that’s concerned, there’s absolutely nothing to complain about

1). Telekinetic Yeti – “Abominable” (3755)

All in all, the recording has a huge sound and the production is absolutely amazing. It has everything you could ever want and I would rate it as a perfect 10. The album is truly remarkable and is sure to go down in history as one of rock’s greatest debuts. These guys are definitely heavyweight contenders to find their place at the top of the scene

A big thank you as always to our amazing writers, your dedication knows no boundaries and for that I am truly grateful.  April 2017’s “Sour 16” features reviews by:  Richard Maw, Daniel Jackson, Andre Almaraz, Grim Trashcan, Victor Van Ommen, Richard Maw, Charlie Butler, Jack Taylor, Conor O’Dea & Stephen Murray

