Tuesday 16 May 2017

ALBUM PREMIERE: Hornets swarm and sting with their throat shredding blend of aggro-core on debut "Witch Hunt"

For some bands, shifting line-ups can wreck their momentum. For others, it just takes a little time to find the right group of people. For some bands, the urge to release an album can consume all of their energy and ultimately deny them the space and time they need to develop beyond their influences. For others, they aren't in any rush and the only goal is to produce work that they can stand over. HORNETS are a patient band.

Forming at a time when all those around them were trying to outdo each other with time signatures and who had the bigger pedal board, HORNETSemerged fully formed and ready. Harder, more brutal and more dangerous that all those around them.

Three years in the making, debut album “WITCH HUNT” is the sound of a band dedicated to their work. It is the sound of experience, of calloused fingers, and ripped throats. It is everything HORNETS promised.

The attention to the work is viscerally displayed through the art created by vocalist Rich Stuart, who after months of preparatory sketches, filling multiple sketch books, set about hand drawing and inking the visual representation of the album. “WITCH HUNT”is released digitally and on limited edition toxic yellow vinyl on 19 May, 2017, via Solid Choice Industries and today we’re stoked be able to offer you this blistering in album in full ahead of its release.  Check it out below and be sure to preorder a copy here

To paraphrase the late great Bill Paxton, HORNETS music is as filthy as a greasy punk sandwich served in a dirty blackened ashtray and then they take that ashtray and smash you straight in the jaw with it.  14 hard hitting blows to the face and it will leave you begging for more.  

Band info: facebook || bandcamp

