By: Charlie Butler
Album Type: EP
Date Released: 16/12/2016Label: Translation Loss

Call Of The Void’s sound is a potent cocktail of punk attitude and rock’n’roll swagger coated in a thick layer of sludge aggression. “AYFKM” is an intoxicating adrenaline rush that will keep you coming back for more.
“AYFKM” CD//DD//LP track listing:
1). Get in the Van
2). Are You Fucking Kidding Me
3). Throwing Bullets
4). On and On
5). Never Enough
The Review:
It’s been a few months since I’ve heard something filthy from the riff hotspot that is Denver , Colorado . Thankfully, Call Of The Void are here to break the silence with their facemelting new EP “AYFKM”.
“Get In The Van” opens the record and draws the listener in with a towering edifice of doom riffage. The crawling hypnotic heaviness casts a powerful spell which makes the sudden shift into breakneck sludge-fuelled hardcore at the song’s mid-point feel like a kick in the gut. The track feels like a glimpse into an alternative reality where Matt Pike was kidnapped by Black Flag, a killer combination of dirty punk and Sabbath worship.
From here, Call Of The Void waste no time and rip through the remaining four tracks in a breathless ten minutes. The title track makes it clear that “AYFKM” stands for “Are You Fucking Kidding me?” a sub-two minute burst of bile-soaked rage with insistent hooks that will burrow their way into your brain. “Throwing Bullets” ups the pace to near breaking point, throwing more grind influences into the pot and culminating in a ferocious raw thrash finale reminiscent of Trap Them at their most unhinged. “On and On” and “Never Enough” almost come as a relief after the onslaught of the preceding tracks but even when Call Of The Void slow down a little they still pack a hefty punch.
Call Of The Void’s sound is a potent cocktail of punk attitude and rock’n’roll swagger coated in a thick layer of sludge aggression. “AYFKM” is an intoxicating adrenaline rush that will keep you coming back for more until the band return with a larger dose of mayhem.
“AYFKM” is available here
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