Saturday 1 October 2016

ALBUM REVIEW: Mortillery - "Shapeshifter"

By: Theron Moore

Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 27/05/2016
Label: Napalm Records

“Shapeshifter” finds the band firing on all cylinders, really attacking, sinking their teeth into each and every song. “Shapeshifter” shows growth, depth and progression.  I think it’s safe to say they broke the mold with this record.

“Shapeshifter” CD//DD//LP track listing:

1). Radiation Sickness
2). Age of Stone
3). Bullet
4). Mantis
5). Black Friday
6). Wendigo
7). At the Gates
8). Torture
9). Shapeshifter

The Review:

Love Mortillery.  Love this record, disc number three for the band.  It’s become a regular staple in my playlist at the gym.  Shapeshifter” is energy defined.  I dig retro thrash when it’s done right and for the right reasons.  Dust Bolt’s new record is a great example of this.  Old school as musical fashion doesn’t work for me.  Mortilleryattacks this sound with a vengeance and makes it all their own.  This is denim and leather metal, fist in the air.  And Canada with their beer and metal, add Mortilleryto the list of great Canuck bands – Exciter, Zimmer’s Hole and 3 Inches of Blood.

I should say that there’s a big similarity between Mortilleryand 3 Inches of Blood, vocal-wise, but that’s ok, I’ll take that.  What I like about this band is that I feel like they’ve “become” with this record, that is, Mortilleryfound their style and perfected the hell out of it.  Tight is an understatement. 

It’s not thrash for the sake of thrash or speed metal because it’s expected, these songs are well crafted and rock out the way metal should sound.  Shapeshifter” finds the band firing on all cylinders, really attacking, sinking their teeth into each and every song.  Retro Thrash” or “Old School Metal” can be something of a niche genre.  Shapeshifter” shows growth, depth and progression.  I think it’s safe to say they broke the mold with this record.

“Radiation Sickness” and “Black Friday” are stand out songs for me.  Because I can see this band touring with Exodus or Nuclear Assault back in the day, jamming these songs live.  The record itself, “Shapeshifter,” has a big sound to it, a live sound showcasing Mortillery at their crossover best.  Keep an eye on this band.  Nukem, Dust Bolt, Mortillery.  The new big three of this genre.

Shapeshifter” is available now

Band info: official | facebook

FFO: Nukem. Dust Bolt, Exodus, Nuclear Assault

